Brand Identity

Elevate your brand with a distinctive visual identity that resonates with your customer.

Your brand is way more than just a logo. Good design is the hallmark of a good brand identity.

A well designed brand logo should have the following qualities . . .

  • Simplicity: Easily recognizable and straight forward.
  • Relevance: Aligns with the brand’s essence and audience.
  • Distinctiveness: Unique and memorable, setting the brand apart.

In addition to these key factors, adaptability and timelessness are also crucial for a brand’s long-term success.

Reclaim your time and focus on what you do best.

Let’s work together to find solutions to some of these frustrations:

  • You’ve got an okay logo, but none of your marketing looks good.
  • Your brand identity is inconsistent across all your visual channels.
  • You’ve been doing the DIY design thing, and you just don’t have time or energy for it anymore.

Brand Identity Packages:

This package can be tailored to your specific needs, but here’s a look at what could be included:

  • Brand Exploration Questionnaire
  • Brand Logo Suite with Sub Markers
  • Brand Typography Styling
  • Brand Pattern
  • Brand Color Palette
  • Simple Brand Guide (view example)
  • Extensive Brand Guide (view example)
  • Social Media Templates
  • Social Highlight Icons
  • Business Card Design
  • Curated Catalog of Imagery
  • Logo File Deliverables
Investment begins at $2,000
Ready to invest in the solution to elevate your brand?
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Check Out Our Event Branding Packages

Event Branding

Experience what it means to elevate your brand!

“I have been blown away with the talent that I’ve experienced with Shannon Dow. Her attention to detail and how she does things with excellence has taken my branding to the next level. We truly have a professional look now that we’ve been working with her and I wished that I had met her sooner, everyone that I have shown our branding to has been completely awestruck, and they want her phone number right away!”
Angie S.
Safe Harbor

Work Samples